Help us Help Our Friends Take This Land

Kris MacQueen, Dec 4, 2017, 7:28 PM
Kris MacQueen National Catalyst of Vineyard Creative
The village of Muyange is developing into a more affluent neighbourhood and land is being swallowed up quickly. Opportunity has arisen for the ministry to purchase two adjoining pieces of land which would allow proper vehicle access to the church building as well as the necessary space for the expanding ministry. The reality is that once this land is taken, the ministry will not be able to afford to acquire an appropriate substitute.

Church planting is the backbone of the work of Vineyard Rwanda and the movement is growing to include more local churches, pastors, leaders and visitors.  There is a need for a centralized facility where leadership training  can be formalized and guest teachers can be received, especially those from other African Vineyard churches.

Robert Stovall, Peg O'Blenis, Antoine and I walked this land earlier this year and simply asked our Lord and Leader of this ministry if He would somehow allow us to purchase it. Since that time we have prayed and considered and have now decided to share this opportunity with our friends.  To be honest, the popularity and over-valuaton of land in a neighbourhood that was once exclusively a village of struggling families, was not something we anticipated 12 years ago. Kigali has grown and developed well beyond the norm for Southern Africa. And yet, the need among the poor remains and we believe the Vineyard is based in exactly the right place to continue to remember the poor as well as being a prophetic voice in mainstream culture.                                                                                                               

This January, the Vineyard Nursery School will be ministering to nearly 60 children who would otherwise not have the opportunity to enrich their early development. They will do this under the supervision of teacher Robert in three small rooms with limited resources.  As you can imagine, it is hard to turn families away because of tight physical resources when there is lots of love and leadership to bring them in.  The Vineyard Church in Rwanda is being asked to further develop its education ministry but the original tract of land is now fully engaged.  


This is the challenge we face together. We are not any more inclined to spend time and energy raising funds than I expect you are... but we must move forward into what God has prepared for us. Would you prayerfully consider how your gift might be part of God's answer to this need? 

Our current goal is to raise $USD15,000 by Christmas 2017 in order to make a downpayment on the first piece of land. (I wasn't exaggerating about the over-valuation of the land; the original larger plot that  serves us so well cost $9000 which God, in His goodness, provided.)

In Canada: contact Partnership Lead Larry Levy: [Please enable JavaScript to see this content]/ e-mail transfer to [Please enable JavaScript to see this content] (add a message to mention the purpose of your gift)

In the US: contact US Partnership Leader Robert Stovall: [Please enable JavaScript to see this content] /send financial gifts to