Aaron Blue leads the Charis Project in Mae Sot, Thailand, which is on the border of Myanmar. Aaron is part of our Vineyard family in Thailand. He and his team have been working tirelessly to help with the flooding that occured in July 2018 in Myanmar (Burma). Please watch the 3 minute video.
The 2000 people mentioned in the video are a mixed group of people hated by the Myanmar government and people groups unreached by the gospel. This is a huge opportunity to show the love of Jesus to people who have been rejected by everyone else and create a major Kingdom impact for ongoing mission engagement. Please prayerfully consider participating in this opportunity to to be the hands and feet of Jesus to these rejected people in crisis.
This Coalition Task Force has been hugely successful so far. Each of the ministries that have banded together have main ongoing work and this collaboration has allowed us to pool networks, man power, resources in order to have impact that none of us would have been able to accomplish on our own. While this Relief Aid does fit within The Charis Project overall mission statement as it is healing and strengthening families in crisis, we do not have Relief Aid as a central mission. However, through participation in this Coalition Task Force we have been able to contribute what we can without hindering our main mission of healing and strengthening families in our focus area of Mae Sot, Thailand.
Thank you all!
Grace and Peace,
Aaron Blue CEO
The Charis Project thecharisproject.org