Vineyard Canada and the Open Door to Africa/ Larry Levy

Tina-Marie Axenty, Jul 9, 2024, 12:04 AM
Larry Karen and Pastors.jpg

Karen and I recently returned from a ministry trip where we spent one week in Burundi and one week in Rwanda with our Vineyard leaders and churches. It was a deeply meaningful trip as it was the 20th anniversary of my first trip to Africa. We had sent the Finnerty family from the Halifax Vineyard to begin the Vineyard movement in Rwanda and other Canadian Vineyards joined to partner in this adventure. From the beginning we were also able to come alongside a brand-new Vineyard church plant in Burundi and for two decades now, have fostered deep relationships with the pastors and leaders of these amazing countries.

Vineyards are being planted all over Africa and there is a wide-open door for Canadian Vineyard churches to be involved. As it says in Revelation 3:8 "I have opened a door for you that no one can close." As well, many of our churches across Canada are welcoming new African immigrants who are bringing with them their joy and vibrancy in worship. This is good!

Ananie and Clarette are the founding and lead pastors of the Vineyard in Bujumbura, Burundi. They have 5 beautiful children and are people of godly character deeply loved by their church. They are presently facing great challenges with flooding from Lake Tanganyika where many people have had to leave their homes. The needs are overwhelming, as it is recognized as the poorest country in the world, but they share whatever food, water and blankets they can get. Their music and worship is amazing and you can tell that it's so important for them, it's where they receive hope and joy to carry on.

It's remarkable to see the changes in Rwanda as they have just recognized the 30th anniversary of the genocide. Much healing, a lot of economic growth and hearts very hungry for new kinds of churches with a Kingdom centre. The Vineyard has seen many baptisms, and the raising up of hundreds of children and youth. Early in our mission we commissioned Antoine Uwamangu as a young single pastor who then married  Florence and together they have four beautiful children.

One of the outreaches that has grown out of the Rwandan Vineyard is a school where many poorer children can attend through a child and family advocacy ministry called Rooted Oaks International
This is a ministry that was begun with Anna LaCore from the Duluth Vineyard. They also do vocational training with the parents and help with emergency supplies of rice, beans, and cooking oil.


There are so many places to partner with the Vineyard in Africa. Not only are there national associations in South Africa, Kenya and Zambia, there are Vineyard churches and plants in 30 other countries. With us exploring what it might look like to walk more closely with the USA Vineyard, I have recently been asked to be a regional coordinator for our USA/Canadian partnerships working in Eastern Africa. There are so many blessings to the local church when partnering with global missions. Our children learn about another culture and learn to share their resources with other children. Young adults can be involved in missions and have their lives shaped around being Kingdom people. Our hearts and eyes are lifted up to the harvest fields both around the world and here at home in our rapidly changing communities. I have always remembered what John Wimber said, "find a place to go, and go for 10 years." If you or your church would like to explore about becoming involved in Africa you can reach me at